How to take care of the old parents?

How to take of the old parents?

How to take of the old parents?

There are some issues in life which are not changeable.Passing the time in the Nature causes the creature to become older. Human being because of his specific needs demands special care during elder years of his life. The issue is how these specific needs are met for each elder one. In order to answer this question, we should consider cultural background from which each person is coming from. Old people have different position across
cultures. In most Western cultures, old people don’t benefit from high prestigious position. In these cultures, individuals are very busy with their personal lives and elder people live by themselves up to the age they can take care of themselves. Then, the ones who can afford the cost of nursing home will continue their lives in such places. Living in such places may have the benefit for them not to live alone. They may share their loneliness with other people in their age group. This does not mean that they enjoy their personal life. Most of them prefer to have protection from their family members. But they don’t. It makes feeling of rejection for residents of nursing homes. They feel that no
longer they are loved. Just because no longer they have a reason to live, it may cause them to lose their life in shorter period of time.

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will be met in a better way in nursing homes.

Personally, I believe that based on each family situation, we should consider the way which will more strongly benefit our parents to live a healthier and longer life.

What do you think??

About Mitra Ordibehesht

Mitra helps Ali administer and serves as the co-editor of She is a bilingual linguist and interested about exploring different cultures specifically Middle Eastern culture She migrated to United States in Jan 2006. Her favorite hobby is spending time with family and friends. She works as a tutor who teaches Farsi to non-native speakers of Farsi.

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