How long should dating/engagement last before getting married?

How long should dating/engagement last before getting married?

How long should dating/engagement last before getting married?

This is the third posts about immigration and sexual awareness .For prior posts click here.

First let’s talk about the fact that engagement and dating is again something that has been came to our culture from the Western culture. In other words, in the old days mostly a single man with his family would visit a single woman’s family and ask her parents for their daughter’s hand in marriage and usually the parents would let boy and girl to have a small private talkative session that would not normally last more than an hour.

But nowadays when a man is interested in a woman or vise versa, they spend some time getting to know each other and the main question is how long this time should last?
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In reality until two person are not living together they will not get to know parts of each other that may cause problem down the road, in other words until you live together you only see clean, nice cut, beautiful, with make up( for ladies) out of the home side of each other, but when you live together and go to bed together and wake up together, you spend enough time of the day together in which you will see sides of each other that may be important to each of you , for example for men when you see a lady with make up , that lady may totally look different that when you see the same lady when she wakes up in the morning, also for ladies, when you see a man with nice scents, he may smell totally different when he wakes up in the morning, and so on . There are numerous types of emotional and physical encounters that you will not experience until you live together, so now the question is what this has to do with engagement.

In western countries, like USA, when two people date to know each other, they will move in together, to experience that deeper level of connection, but when you move in together, sexual relationship will come with it, so now for a Persian immigrant grown up in Iran, mostly because the topic of having sexual relationship before marriage is not moral, consequently moving together is not culturally acceptable. So therefore if your dating phase and/or engagement time does not have a moving together part, you are wasting your time by making it longer. In other words in my humble opinion, if you are not moving together because you don’t want to have sexual relationship before marriage or any there reason since you will not get to know more than what you have known in your partner in 2-3 months, I would think anytime longer than 3 months is a lot, and anything longer than a year means there is something wrong,

What do you think?

About Ali Esfahani

Ali started with the passion to help Persian immigrants to more easily enculturate in the western world. His passion is to help other Persian Iranians deal with their daily issues in various areas. Ali got his masters in Computer Science from USC class year of 2005 and enjoys any type meat lovers food , ice cream and French fries and Ghorme Sabzi. His hobbies are Internet, computer, watching movie and following news about the motherland.

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